Can My Jawbone Support Dental Implants?

If you have a tooth that has been knocked out, extracted, or fallen out, you should be considering replacement options. You don’t want to leave a gap between your teeth!

There are a few different teeth replacement options that may be available. These include dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants. Each have their advantages and drawbacks. For a long-lasting and secure replacement option, you’ll want to consider dental implants.

You may be wondering what dental implants are and what the placement process looks like. You also may have some concerns about the integrity of your jawbone and whether or not you are a candidate based on how strong your jawbone is. Below is more information about dental implants, their advantages, the placement process, and whether your jawbone can support dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants? What Are Their Advantages?

Dental implants are prosthetics that replace a missing tooth or teeth. They are held in place with a titanium rod that is installed in the jawbone.

Some of the main benefits of dental implants include: 

·       Strength and durability. The strength and durability of dental implants are a couple of their major advantages. Dental implants are installed in the jawbone of the patient. This gives them additional support that other tooth replacement options don’t have. Because of this strength and durability, patients are able to continue to eat their favorite foods without worry. Implants can also last a lifetime, lowering costs over time.

·       Aesthetic. No one likes having a gap in their teeth. Dental implants fill the gap where a tooth or multiple teeth are missing. These replacements can be made with materials that stand out (like gold) or materials that look much more natural. You’ll be able to smile wide and with confidence when you have your tooth replaced with a dental implant.

·       Protecting other teeth. One major issue that occurs when a tooth or teeth are missing is damage to other teeth. Teeth begin to shift over time if there is a gap between teeth and no replacement. This leads to impacting of teeth, crowding, and crookedness. In turn, it becomes more difficult to take care of your teeth and gums. This can lead to gum disease, cavities, and worse. Over time, it may lead to other teeth falling out or needing to be pulled! An implant stops the surrounding teeth from shifting and holds them in place.

·       Jawbone support. Along with your teeth shifting, if you don’t have a tooth or replacement in place, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate. Dental implants help to ensure the health of your jawbone tissue.

The Implant Placement Procedure

The dental implant placement procedure involves a few different steps. The first is a visit to Nova Dental. We will take a look at the space where the tooth is missing and determine the best course of action. This includes both a visual exam and x-rays.

If the tooth is still there, we’ll see if the tooth can still be saved. It’s better to save some of your healthy tooth if possible. If the tooth or teeth simply can’t be saved, they will be extracted.

If your dentist determines a dental implant is the best option, we’ll schedule an appointment with you to place the implant. It will take around six to twelve weeks for the dental implant to fuse to the jawbone. Once the implant is secure, your dentist will place the custom dental implant via an abutment.

Can My Jawbone Support Dental Implants?

Whether your jawbone can support dental implants is a major factor when it comes to determining if dental implants are an option or not. Your dentist will check the integrity of your jawbone when they do your x-rays. If it is determined that your jawbone is not strong enough to support dental implants, your dentist will either consider different replacement options or jawbone restoration.

A bone graft may be an option to strengthen your jawbone so it can hold dental implants in place. During this process, an oral surgeon will add bone graft material to the jawbone. They will then allow the jawbone to regenerate. If the process is successful, your dental implant or implants can be placed.

Keep in mind that not everyone is a candidate for a jawbone graft. You’ll also need to consider the costs. Dental implants are generally the costliest replacement option, to begin with. A bone graft will add to the costs significantly. Still, dental implants can last a lifetime, so it may end up saving money in the long run.

Speak with your dentist about your jawbone density and whether a bone graft is possible if your jawbone isn’t strong enough to handle the placement of a dental implant or implants.

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Yes! Dental implants are a fantastic replacement option that provide you with the support you need. They can also help significantly to prevent other oral health issues that can cost a lot of money to repair. With that said, you’ll want to check with your insurance company to see how much is covered. If you aren’t able to afford dental implants immediately, you may want to consider another replacement option—even if it’s only a stopgap until you can afford dental implants.

Contact Nova Dental Today!

If you have any questions about dental implants, your jawbone, and whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants, reach out to Nova Dental today. We’ll schedule an appointment for a fantastic dentist to take a look at your gums and jawbone to see if you are a candidate for a dental implant. If you aren’t, your dentist will discuss a bone graft (if possible) or other replacement options that may be available.

Reach out to Nova Dental to learn more about dental implants or to schedule an appointment for a regular cleaning and checkup. We look forward to meeting you! 

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