Tooth Extraction Vs Root Canal

Whether your tooth has decayed to the point where it has reached the root or you have severely damaged your tooth, the problem needs to be addressed.Whether your tooth has decayed to the point where it has reached the root or you have severely damaged your tooth, the problem needs to be addressed.

Sometimes a damaged tooth can expose the root and, if not treated, can cause infection. A root canal is generally the best option in this scenario. Other times damage to a tooth can be bad enough that extraction is the only option.

Below is more information about root canal treatment, extraction, and which is right for you. For more information and for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, schedule an appointment with Nova Dental. We’ll take a look and let you know which treatment option is right to meet your needs.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment (also known as a “root canal”) is a procedure that involves the dentist removing infected tooth pulp from the root of a tooth. This is generally due to tooth decay getting bad enough that the root becomes infected, but it can also be caused by an exposed root becoming infected after an injury.

Root Canal Procedure

A root canal procedure begins with a trip to Nova Dental where your dentist can diagnose the issue and decide on which treatment method is best. If a root canal is required, an appointment will be made. During this appointment, your dentist will numb the area to ensure you don’t experience pain. From there, they will place a dental dam, drill into your tooth, then remove the infected pulp of the tooth. The root is then disinfected and cleaned. Finally, a rubber sealant and a filling are placed.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

A root canal will be required if your dentist finds your root pulp is infected. If you don’t get the root infection treated it will continue to get worse. Eventually, the tooth will need to be pulled. You will also likely experience more and more pain.

If you have any of the issues below, set an appointment with your dentist. 

·        A cracked tooth

·        Severe tooth decay

·        An abscess at the root of your tooth

The earlier the tooth decay or damage to a tooth can be treated, the better. You may be able to avoid a root canal entirely.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

If a tooth is damaged to the extent that it can no longer be saved, tooth extraction may be considered. Tooth extraction is simply the name for the process of a dentist removing a tooth. Often, a tooth can simply be “pulled” with the help of a special tool, but sometimes surgery is required for the removal of a tooth.

Tooth extractions also may be required once wisdom teeth begin to emerge.

Is It Cheaper to Get a Root Canal or a Tooth Extraction?

“Cheaper” isn’t a simple concept when it comes to the choice of a root canal or dental extraction. While a dental extraction procedure is generally cheaper (as little as $75 for a basic extraction), it also means more expensive procedures later on.

If you have a tooth extracted, you’ll need to have that tooth replaced. This means the placement of a dental bridge or dental implant. Both of these are significantly more expensive than a simple root canal. It’s also important to understand root canal procedures are generally covered at least partially by dental insurance, while a dental implant or bridge may not be.

If a tooth is not replaced after an extraction, there is an increased chance of other oral health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and even root infections of other teeth. This means even more money on repairs.

It’s far cheaper in the long term to undergo a root canal procedure than have a tooth extracted.

How Do I Avoid a Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

In order to avoid a root canal or tooth extraction, it’s important to take proper care of your oral health. This means taking care of the basics—brushing, flossing, and rinsing twice a day, every day. You also need to visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning.

If your tooth is damaged, it’s important to set an appointment for as soon as possible. If the tooth is severely damaged, you may need to set an emergency appointment. While an emergency appointment may be an expensive cost upfront, it can literally save your tooth. On top of that, a broken tooth can cause severe pain and bleeding that needs to be stopped.

If you have any other questions about how you can avoid a root canal or tooth extraction, let us know. We’d be happy to answer any questions about preventative care for you.

Why Nova Dental?

Nova Dental offers premium oral healthcare services provided by top dentistry professionals. Led by Dr. Guldalian, the team at Nova Dental is extremely knowledgeable and experienced. We provide compassionate care with a strong focus on the comfort and well-being of our patients.

Nova offers both general and cosmetic dentistry services for our patients. This includes checkups, cleanings, dental bonding, dental veneers, dental crowns, teeth whitening, bridges, root canal treatment, and more. We also offer family services.

Contact Nova Dental Today!

If you would like more information about root canal treatment, tooth extraction, or which option would be best to meet your needs, reach out to Nova Dental. Dr. Guldalian will take a look and better determine the best course of action. From there, a treatment plan can be set in place and an appointment can be scheduled.

We are also available for regular checkups and cleanings! If it’s been a while since your last checkup, now’s a good time to get one booked.

We look forward to speaking with you and helping you with your oral healthcare needs.

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